Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's never too early to start planning your spring garden...

Photo courtesy of GardenPictures.com

I know we've just finished up with the holidays, but there is no better time than the present to start planning your spring garden. With enough early preparation, spring gardening can be simple, more well-planned and ultimately more affordable. Here are a few things to get started to make sure your spring gardening doesn't sneak up on you:

  1. Make a list of plants you would like to incorporate in your garden
  2. Begin considering the sun & water requirements as well as the overall size of each plant and where they may fit in your existing landscape
  3. Figure out if these plants can be easily grown from seed or if they need to be purchased already potted
  4. Draw a quick plan that incorporates your new plantings, but keep your plans fluid, so there is room for last minute modifications
  5. If you are settled on your plan, begin prepping any seeds indoors so you are ready for planting in April or May
For more information on planning your spring garden, check out the following link from the Seattle Times - Home & Garden section: Planning a Spring Garden

Happy spring gardening & call or email if you need us!